Project Rhino: Providing Water in Kenya
Kilo village near Lake Nakuru, Kenya.

However at the time in question, the local water source was once again drying up and there was a need to install sustainable equipment so that a reliable water supply could be maintained. John Hackett, a Hydrogeologist from Anglian Water Services Ltd, donated his time to go to Kenya to assist with the installation of a new submersible pump and rising main (Boreline®) donated by Hose Manufacturers.

In less than a day the whole installation is done and in place and water is again supplied to the school as well as the kiosk at Shamba.

Anglian Water was approached by Project Rhino for it’s expertise in groundwater. Through a combination of contacts and a scheme called Give Me Five, whereby the company matches the amount of time the volunteer gives up, the rural community of Kilo can now look forward to a brighter future with the installation of a new borehole (sourced by Project Rhino), pump (supplied by Davis & Shirtliff) and Boreline® hose, flexible rising main and couplings (donated by Hose Manufacturers).
Anglian Water is part of the awg plc group of companies and one of the leading providers of water and wastewater services in the UK. They are also involved with social development projects and as well as supporting individual volunteers, are especially closely involved through WaterAid.
Anglian Water support WaterAid by:
- Employees donating money directly through their payroll system and this is deducted before tax so WaterAid gains the full benefit of the money. E.g. in the financial year 00-01, over £30,000 was donated by employees in this way and the company then donated a further £40,000.
- Employees and their families and friends raise money by organising events and also by employees giving talks to local organisations such as the Women’s Institute and Rotary Clubs.
- Each year in the water bills that Anglian Water sends to its customers, they show that they support WaterAid and appeal for monetary donations.
- Employees visit WaterAid projects that Anglian Water has supported.